
Google MCM

Google MCM (Multiple Customer Management): get a direct access to Open Bidding, Google Adexchange and direct programmatic (PG/PD) to maximise your advertising revenues

Direct access to Google MCM

Google MCM (Multiple Customer Management) is a new feature of Google Ad Manager 360 that replaces SPM and allows companies like Hitopic who have been invited to join the programme to offer you exclusive services. We are pleased to announce that we can now offer you access to Open Bidding and direct programmatic in addition to Google Adexchange (AdX).

Quick switch from SPM to MCM

Google MCM replaces the old Google Adx SPM (Scaled Partner Management) program which will become obsolete from July 2021 and will be completely replaced in December 2021 according to the migration timeline set up by Google. To learn more about the transition from SPM to MCM, read the explanations and issues of this migration on the blog.

All publishers who currently work with a channel partner through the SPM program must now work with a channel partner who has access to the Google MCM program. The switchover is not automatic, it takes a few days, specific quality criteria must be met to be accepted into the Google MCM program.

How does Google MCM work?

We now speak of Parent and Child accounts. Today, the MCM can have 2 types of inventory delegations:

  • MCM Manage account : for publishers who need to work from their own GAM account and who already have access to the Google Adexchange. Users on GAM cannot take advantage of Open Bidding (but those on GAM360 can). In general, this type of delegation is used when the publisher wishes to fully delegate the management of their account to the channel partner (Hitopic) while retaining ownership of the GAM account.

  • MCM Manage inventory : for publishers who do not have access to the Google Adexchange and/or do not want to pay for a GAM360, but want to take advantage of a Google Adx account under GAM360, Open Bidding and direct programmatic. This delegation is more used by publishers who don’t have an access to Google Adx and/or who want to get the maximum performance from a GAM360 account with all the advanced options activated.

What are the benefits for publishers?

Working with a Google MCM accredited partner will give you the advantage of accessing new revenue streams only available in this new program:

  • Open Bidding
  • More premium demand from Adx (Adx/GAM360)
  • Direct programmatic with Preferred Deals (PD) and Programmatic Guaranteed (PG)

What is Open Bidding?

Previously called Exchange Bidding in Dynamic Allocation (EBDA), Open Bidding is Google’s response to the widespread implementation of header bidding among publishers. It is an internal header bidding module within Google Ad Manager 360 that allows third-party source applications to be invited and activated to compete through the bidding game in GAM360.

By joining our Google MCM program, you automatically benefit from the Open Bidding partners that we have already signed up and that participate daily in increasing the advertising pressure on bids and therefore increase your revenues. Open Bidding is a server-side header bidding tool, so you don’t have to implement any additional tags and no additional latency on your sites and applications will penalise your Core Web Vitals scores!

Ready to onboard into our Google MCM?

If you still have questions about the benefits of the new MCM programme to increase your income, please contact us or fill in the form below to be contacted directly.

Ready to improve your earnings?

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