
Our vision

Build the first platform to unify revenue and traffic acquisition sources for publishers

Generating online revenue is so a pain

As publishers know, building an audience and growing traffic for a website is a long and bumpy road at every stage of development.

You have to be good at tech, understand web development, know how to promote your site with advertising, create a brand, engage your community, publish content (lots of content, in many different formats and platforms), do some marketing, learn SEO, etc

The first challenge is to get your head out of the daily grind to get a vision. First of all, where are we starting from and especially where are we going, what is the goal?

The first one will probably be a hundred visitors per day, then a few thousand per month to finally reach tens and hundreds of thousands, then millions of monthly sessions.

To get there, you need resources, human resources of course, but also financial resources, because the work that awaits us can rarely be achieved alone (some manage to do so, but these are extremely rare magical unicorns).

Know your audience and monetize

The first step is to analyze your traffic, to understand where your audience comes from, what their expectations are and why they come to you rather than to someone else.

From this understanding of the audience and the attention that your visitors pay to your content and by extension to your brand will depend your ability to monetize this audience.

Audience monetization is a vast subject that deserves more than these few lines, but monetization via advertising has been part of the Internet’s DNA since its beginnings and has strongly evolved towards highly technological and increasingly complex systems.

From this complexity is born the need to reconcile several sources of data and correlate all of them to have reliable data first, and then meaningful to the site publisher. It must allow him to understand where the advertising value of his audience is, where to press to accelerate and where to invest to multiply his revenues.

The publisher needs actionable data.

Build and manage your strategy with Hitopic

Working with Hitopic means building this chain of value on a daily basis.

No, it won’t happen in a month! Monetization strategies are like SEO strategies, they take time, and are built brick by brick: the time needed to understand.

The goal is to gradually create recurring revenue streams in an incremental way, meaning they systematically add up to your existing revenues.

Step by step, you build your future and that of your brand, all thanks to reliable processes and precise data characterizing your audience and its behavior.

This information will allow you to steer your strategy, to have a vision, to orient your contents and plan their publication, to know precisely where to press to develop and/or accelerate, and only then will you be able to count on a stable, recurring and perennial revenue stream.

After all, that’s what we are all looking for! 🙂

Ready to improve your earnings?

Contact us for a custom audit of your current monetisation