

Implement an advertising system that guarantees optimal performance and visibility in the market and focus on your core business: content and its distribution on all platforms that generate traffic today.

Google Ad Manager 360

Google Ad Manager 360 (GAM360) is the premium version of the famous Google’s adserver. Previously known as Doubleclick For Publisher (DFP), GAM360 combines an ad management platform with accurated control over your inventory with a programmatic platform known as the Google Adexchange, a more open version of Google Adsense. Google has selected us to be part of the Google MCM program, validating the expertise we have gained on GAM360 in addition to our experience with web publishers around the world.

Audience Monetisation

Our monetisation services allow us to optimise your advertising revenues on desktop, mobile and app through exclusive and premium demand sources. These services are available to all publishers who achieve more than 500,000 page views per month.

Analytics & Acquisition

Our expertise allows us to offer our consulting services for traffic acquisition in organic or paid traffic. We can also help you structure your tags plans and data layers according to your business objectives. This offer is free of charge for the publishers we have in the Google MCM program, whatever the volume.

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Ready to improve your earnings?

Contact us for a custom audit of your current monetisation